EdTech CRM

Accelerate the enrollment process and boost your sales revenue.

Attract higher quality traffic to the website, convert that into prospective students, and nurture those prospective students into applicants.

Attract, Engage and Enroll more students

Ensure zero lead leakage

Centralise, manage, and distribute your incoming inquiries across different channels – online, offline, education marketplaces, digital agencies, and social media on a unified platform. Automatically distribute the leads to the right counsellors or call center executives for timely intervention.

Centralise all Leads with role-based access control

Centralise all your leads on a unified platform and provide role-based access to different teams. Data across campus/ branches/ centers are automatically visible to the Head Branch without any manual data exchange. Allow different campuses/ branches/ centers to upload offline data directly to the centralised repository. Provide complete student history- student profile, activities, and progress in real-time.

Monitor student journeys and engage them accordingly

Track the activity of prospective students on the website and marketing campaigns to understand the intent and nudge your team to intervene, at the right time. Deliver engaging omnichannel communication or initiate a call with the counsellor/call center accordingly and shorten the inquiry to the enrollment journey.

One unified platform for student acquisition, retention, and upsell

  Lead Distribution

Set rules to automatically assign student leads to salespeople as soon as they come in.

  Lead Qualification

Score and qualify student leads automatically and help your salespeople prioritize their tasks.

 Sales Notification

Set rules to alert salespeople as soon as students take an important action.

  Smart Views

Give your counsellors customizable task views to plan their day better.

  Sales Funnel Movement

Change lead stages based on activities and move the leads down the funnel.

  Sales Tracking

Track everything automatically – conversations, activities, salespeople, and closures.

Track your field force and optimise their bandwidth

Track all the activities of the field team and increase their efficiency. Automate your field team’s daily tasks – plan their day, show them leads in their vicinity, automate check-ins, and more. With the mobile app, map their location and view their route, as well as the date and time.

Reports and Dashboard

Provide advanced performance analytics for every aspect of EdTech sales from tracking of your students to processes, teams, salespeople, and courses. This is all possible through reports like overall performance, and source performance.